Is this the World’s Best New High-Fidelity Patient Simulator?

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"I was excited to see a manikin with full articulation of limbs and able to do all the things he could do — without nuts and bolts showing. This made his realism even more significant when compared to others in the market.”

Adam Dodson, NRP, CCEMTP, NCEE
Operations and Simulation Expert
The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

During mass casualty training, Leonardo was utilised by the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine for domestic terrorism scenarios and multi-system trauma simulations. More recently, when COVID-19 entered the US, the medical school transitioned into studying new ventilators made by vehicle manufacturers and research using splitters. Leonardo’s versatility and capability allowed Dodson to personally complete several tasks other simulators were not capable of doing. He has also used Leonardo with the government, the Department of Defense, and local EMS team

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