
Impressum / Imprint


Impressum / Imprint

MSE International Healthcare Systems GmbH
Spaces Square One – Leopold Ungar Platz 2,
1190 Vienna


Comp.reg.: FN413021i
VAT: ATU68649028

Managing Director: Alexander Krasovksiy
+43 664 414818

Commercial register court: Commercial Court Vienna
The seat of the company: Vienna
Legal form: GmbH

Business purpose:
The work of MSE Group is centered around the provision of high-quality healthcare education through simulation and fast, accurate diagnostic solutions in support of healthcare providers who strive to deliver the very best in patient care and treatment. Our innovative technology and modern design define our portfolio of simulators (adult, junior, and baby), as well as surgical simulators The MSE Group is the exclusive partner of MedVision in Europe.

If you have questions regarding the Impressum, please send an email to hello@mse-group.co Questions regarding MSE Group products or the MSE Group company information should be directed to hello@mse-group.co