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Brayden Adult and Junior Advanced CPR manikin
The first manikin that helps you visualise the effects of CPR.
The 2-in-1 CPR training manikin for your adult and paediatric training programmes
The Junior Conversion Kit
- Easy to convert - change over in moments
- Cost-effective - no need to purchase different manikins
- Anatomically correct - visual distinction between adult and child
- AHA and ERC modes - compliant with AHA and ERC guidelines
Simple instructions... easy to follow!
1. Open up manikin and remove adult spring
2. Insert spring adaptor into the base of the manikin
3. Connect junior spring into the spring adaptor
4. Connect the second spring adaptor to the rib frame
5. Close the rib section, ensuring prongs are placed into the slots
6. Replace adult face and body skin with junior face and body skin